Family Counselling


Physical health and mental health both are interconnected with each other.Mental health plays a very important role in  our overall well-being. Whether we are reeling from a traumatic  event or can’t seem to get out of an emotional rut, seeking out mental health counseling can be a helpful way to get back on track. Since everyone experiences grief, sadness, and stress it can be hard to know when it’s time to seek help .

Do  you experience these

  • Your grades go down or you stop performing so well at work.
  • Feeling the need to hide away by avoiding social contact.
  • You feel like something is off, even with no explanation.
  • Crying a lot or constantly feeling like you’re about to cry.
  • Persistent irritability, mood swings.
  • Changes in weight or eating habits.
  • Insomnia or oversleeping.

Don’t hesitate to seek help.

Come to us . We’ll  help you become  aware of your own abilities to cope relatively well with life’s inevitable challenges, mobilize your  resources and strengths, help you become resilient and fulfill relationships with other people so as to live a full  and creative life.


“Having a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body”

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